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About SheKay Sweets


Isn't it funny how one moment can change your life? Lexi and I started out by playing around and making small penguin cupcakes. Who knew our little girl's afternoon would turn into so much more?! That afternoon of baking and decorating a couple of cupcakes, has rippled into our business of specialty cakes, sugar cookies, and so much more.

Between our combined business skills, drive, and love of baked goods; we have transformed our dream into a reality. SheKay Sweets is officially open to make your dream event taste a little bit sweeter. 


Shelby Kay

I am a stay-at-home mom of three littles. They keep me on my toes and make great taste testers. I started baking at a young age and have decided to share my passion with you and your family. 


I moved to working with SheKay Sweets full time this year while I stay home with my two wonderful babies. I love that I get to stay home with my littles while Shelby and I grow our business!

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